Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Dollhouse Patisserie is Open for Business

After I posted pictures of the dollhouse patisserie on Facebook, at least half a dozen of my friends thought I was opening a real, human-sized pastry shop. Perhaps I should change careers? Now that I have a few more items "in stock", I would be less surprised if people mistook this interior for the real thing.

Since the last report, I've added lots of little details. I'm especially pleased with the tray stand in the window, which is made with wire and wooden beads that I've twisted and painted gold. It supports a ceramic tray.

Meet the doll family from that Westville house, trying out my wire chairs and cafe table, which have proved to be just the right size. I should point out that the children are drinking cocoa, even though it looks like coffee. Also, the boy has been very greedy with his cake order.

You can see the wire tray stand in this shot too. I've slightly changed the exterior (new lettering, more paint), and I'm in the process of applying a terra cotta roof. (Plastic, actually.) More to come.

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